Sunday, October 6, 2013

It's been rough

Well after my check up and transfusion Thursday I was feeling good that I didn't have to go back to Hopkins for 2 whole weeks! I have been going weekly since starting my latest treatment. My only concern at that point was my low white count (these are the cells that fight infection and sickness).

So Friday came and so did another fever an that night I woke myself and Meagan up because I was shaking uncontrollably at 215 in the morning. By that point my fever was gone but I did have some pain. After calling the on call physician at Hopkins and taking some meds, I slowly was able to relax again. It is a weird feeling to not be cold yet have your body shaking and jaws chattering a ad not be able to stop.

The next morning came with another fever and more Tylenol. And thankfully it broke before my date with Meagan. We had to put off our anniversary celebration because of Meagan not feeling well and we needed the time to ourselves. We look back at our past 5 years of marriage and thank God for all we have been through because it has brought us closer to each other as well as closer to Him.

So the evening came around with yet another fever which died down some before bed but after sweating through the night I woke up to see 103.5 on the thermometer. Wonderful. It took the morning for it to come down with Tylenol and ice. I am so thankful for our family and friends who are here to help and pray and give. This morning Meagan and I needed help and our family came through. My mom picked up our grocery and Meagan's dad came and played with Life while Meagan and I tried to get ourselves together.

So what I thought would be 2 weeks turned into 4 days between visits. I will be heading back to Hopkins tomorrow to try to figure out what's going on and maybe
Know what to do next.

It is hard for me to be in a position where I can't work and provide for my family and I need help. Meagan is a federal employee who has to go to work during the government shutdown but won't get paid till it's all over with. So we could use some help and below are links you can check out. The biggest thing right now though is prayer.

I know medicine is great and everything but God is the one who can truly heal. He can use whatever he wants to do it- medicine, transfusion, or nothing at all. So please pray that He would heal.

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