Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Love is such a wonderful thing and can look so different from one use to another. There is the love that Mae and I have for each other- the kind of love that shows itself through selfless sacrifice. This is love that is shown when she sits by my side as I am receiving treatment or having a painful test done. Then there is the love I have for my Life. Just being able to see him after a long 12 hour shift before I lay down fill my heart with joy.

Over the past two and a half years I have been able to receive love from many people Even in the past few weeks I have experienced love from friends and family and even strangers. People I don't even know have let me know they are praying for me. Those who I barely know have sent dinner. Friends have cut grass for me when I have been too sore to do it myself. Family has stepped up as Mae and I haven't been at our best. And many have told me to let them know what they can do for me.

To all of you who have shown love to my growing family and I, I would like to say thank you!

There is another love I have experienced- the love of the Father. My God, the one true god, the one who created the world and everything in as well as the whole universe, also created me. My creator, my God, my Father created me and you and wants to share his love with us- His children.

Here is the problem- because of our disobedience we separated ourselves from Him. Since there was nothing we could do about this, God came to earth and paid the debt of our disobedience through Christ Jesus. And because of this we can all experience the love of our Father.

Love is a beautiful thing and I thank God for sharing His love with us so we can share it with each other.

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