Thursday, September 19, 2013

A lot has happened

So let me start with sharing this... In the midst of cancer and uncertainty with my health, God once again showed Meagan and I that He is in control and He still brings new life in the midst of it all. Meagan is pregnant with our second child! Our hearts are full of joy!

Here is an update of the last couple weeks. I had my second bone marrow biopsy and thankfully it went much better than the first,  the pain was pretty much gone the next day. However, the results showed some blast (cancer) cells in the marrow. Along with that, my blood counts have been changing enough that my doctor put me on another treatment. So last week I started taking a new chemo daily.

So each of the treatments I have tried have had their own unique side effects. This one has given me the joy of aches and pains all over, fevers and chills, and a drop of platelets. But it has also brought down the blasts and the white count (which is a good thing). I had a checkup today and had to have a platelet transfusion.

Moving on from here I will be visiting Quest Diagnostics each week as well as a riding to Hopkins. Even though my care team, as well as the rest of the staff at Hopkins, is great (they all care and go the extra mile with everyone they help) I just don't like spending the day up there. If I do have to spend a few hours at a hospital though, Hopkins isn't that bad.

So as Meagan and I look at planning for the future, there are many questions and things to consider. My doctor said it would be smart for me not to continue working full time right now. (That in itself brings up a lot to consider) Then we have a new baby to plan and prepare for.

Even though we have a lot going on, and things are uncertain with my health and job and money, we still have a gift from God, our son Life, who is a reminder to us that God still speaks and creates life in the midst of death.

The other night we were eating out and at a table near us was a family with small kids including a small baby. As Life was looking, or rather staring, I asked him, "Who else is getting a little baby?" He replied, "Life." We are so excited, as a family, for what God is doing in our family.