Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Packed house

So last night was amazing. Lauren and Charlie did a great job puting last night's benefit together for my family and I, Tunes for Twilley at Vinny's was a huge success. I got to see a packed restaurant full of people helping us out, the bands that played were excellent, and I got to see a lot of friends.

I could not believe how many people (many whom I did not even know) came out to show their support. I am continually being amazed by the love and generosity of the people who are willing to help us out. 

To you who have given money, been praying and helped out with things like groceries and grass cutting- thank you.

And now for a health update. Now that we figured out the dosage that seems to be working for me, the FDA has pulled my med due to problems it has been causing with the older population with a history of heart problems.

My doctor, who is a leader in cml study and treatment, was on top of things and did a lot paper work and set up a clinical trial for me. This way I am able to stay of the med and not have to go through the fun times of trying to get my body adapted to another med.

I still believe that God is healer. He is also provider.

When teaching his disciples how to pray, Jesus prayed for God's kingdom to come and his will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. A few years later John was given revelation of things to come. In this revelation God painted a picture of Heaven and how Heaven and Earth will be when Gods kingdom takes over. 

Revelation 21:4 
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more. There will be no mourning, crying, or pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” 

I pray that God's kingdom would take place in my body and life as well as in my family, my church, and all over this area. Would you join me in this prayer

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